John Thompson - Electrical Inspector

Serving the following communities. Times shown are approximate inspection daily time ranges for each city.

  • Edina, MN (8:00 to 2:00)

Notice on my window of time. Edina is from 8:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m. This means I will be there sometime in that window. This does not mean I am in Edina until 2:00 every day, it all depends on the volume of work. My route is in geographical order determined by a route planner each day. Each day is different. Please do not assume I can be there at your preferred time. If the entire window of time does not work for access, please choose another day. Garage codes, lock boxes and or a call ahead are a great option for those who can't be there. Thank you.

You can speed up inspection scheduling on this site by creating a contractor profile. Click here to create your profile.

Request your electrical inspections by clicking the Schedule button. The inspection request form must be submitted before 7:30 am on the day you would like your inspection to occur. Inspections are available for scheduling Monday thru Friday.


Email John Thompson

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Phone (office hours 6:00-7:30 AM M-F): 763-205-5015


John Thompson Inspections